These 5 Photos that can make you hate kissing especially in public

Kissing is one of the great joys in life.Unfortunately, not too many know how to kiss. In a relationship, regardless of how many kisses you have had as a man, you can always become better at the art of kissing. 
Here are photos that show bad kissing from couples that might make you hate kissing.
1. If you are kissing your partner and you can feel her leaning backwards or wriggling away from you is a good sign you are a bad kisser.

2. Don’t try to suck the life out of her.
3. Don't put your whole tongue. Your tongue should be gently probing, not swishing around the inside of her mouth.
4. Kissing is an emotional act. Therefore, keep your eyes closed. If you don't do this and the lady finds your eyes open, she feels weird and might kill the moment.
5. Don't open your mount at the start. SHARE WITH FRIENDS
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