Video: Diamond Platinum as he is spotted with three women at night from the streets

Tanzania’s finest singer Diamond Platinum might be in trouble again after a video taken by a passerby in street goes viral.
The singer was allegedly spotted at an eatery in the company of three beautiful ladies.
Though their faces were not seen, sources reveal that Diamond immediately speed off from the street after he noticed that his car had been surrounded by a group of men who were asking him to get out of his car.
Though Diamond is known to love his fans, in this case, he did not come out but instead asked his driver to get away from the location as first as he could.

The whole scene started after a waitress from the street eatery was seen taking some fries to one of the ladies in Diamond’s car.
The onlookers immediately suspected that the singer was cheating on his wife Zari Hassan who stays in South Africa.
Now news is spreading round that Diamond was in the company of commercial se-x workers or his alleged candle, model Hamisa Mobeto. SHARE WITH FRIENDS
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